BASHH courses reflect the multidisciplinary nature of sexual health and are open to members and non-members

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH)

BASHH is a membership organisation which promotes and champions good sexual health. They provide tailored education and training to health care professionals, trainers and trainees through their education arm the Sexually Transmitted Infections Foundation (STIF).

The following STIF training courses are available at the Jefferiss.

Sexually Transmitted Infection Foundation (STIF) Core and Plus theory training

The aim of STIF Core and STIF Plus is to equip participants with the core knowledge, skills and attitudes for the effective management of sexually transmitted infections. 

Every year at the Jefferiss we run the STIF theory course covering STIF Core and STIF Plus over two days.

Visit the BASHH STIF website for more information.

Who is it for?

The course is suitable for nurses, healthcare assistants, health advisers and doctors from primary care, contraception/sexual health services, GUM services and secondary care clinicians who may encounter patients with STIs.


  • Core half day: £90 (prep for STIF Fundamental)
  • Core full day: £185
  • Plus: £195
  • Both days: £300

STIF Fundamental Competency assessment

STIF Fundamental Competency is aimed at those wishing to deliver asymptomatic STI screening, HIV testing and the management of asymptomatic chlamydia

Participants are assessed on sexual health and risk assessments, including HIV testing and the management of asymptomatic gonorrhoea and chlamydial infection.

Visit the BASHH STIF website for more information.

Supported by your named clinical trainer and depending on your experience, training is provided over six supervised clinical sessions normally delivered over one week. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills and be assessed through mini-clinical evaluation exercises and case-based discussions.

Who is it for?

STIF Fundamental Competency is for any healthcare professional seeking level one certification in the management of STIs, for example, community pharmacists, practice nurses, medical practitioners, health advisors, GUM healthcare assistants, sexual and reproductive healthcare staff and alternative providers of medical care (e.g. private or third sector).


The fee for the STIF Fundamental Competency assessment is £300. This in in addition to any fees payable to BASHH.


STIF Intermediate Competency

STIF Intermediate Competency is aimed at clinical staff who deliver sexual health; core competencies include:

  • the management of female genital discharge, male urethral discharge, genital warts and molluscum contagiosum, urinary tract infections and genital infestations
  • screening and prevention of sexually acquired hepatitis
  • risk reduction and advice on safer sex
  • effective partner notification
  • HIV testing
  • supporting women with unplanned pregnancy
  • assessment and management of need for PEPSE (Post-exposure HIV prophylaxis following potential sexual exposure).
  • safeguarding children
  • female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • domestic violence and abuse
  • reports of sexual assault

Visit the BASHH STIF website for more information.

Supported by your named clinical trainer and depending on your experience, training is provided over 10 supervised clinical sessions normally delivered over one week. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills and be assessed through mini-clinical evaluation exercises and case-based discussions.

Who is it for?

The STIF Intermediate Competency programme is a nationally recognised training and assessment qualification in sexual health for registered doctors, nurses and midwives working in primary and secondary care. 


The fee for STIF Intermediate Competency clinical training and assessment is £600. This is in addition to any costs payable to the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV for STIF materials.